miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2009

Weihnachten 09

En Navidad decidí hacerme un Alice Dellal (de mentira, claro) porque estaba de humor para un peinado "raro". Si no la conocen, Alice es una modelo inglesa, hija de un millonario creo que de origen iraní y de madre brasileña. Es famosa porque en verano de 2007 andaba con Pierre Casiraghi y porque lleva el lado izquierdo de la cabeza rapado, aparte de algunas campañas de moda, como la que hizo para MNG, etc.

En fin, mi peinado a lo Alice era de mentira porque me daba terror la idea de raparme media cabeza y que después terminara odiándolo. Este implicaba que hiciera uso de un complicado sistema de ganchos, ganchitos y colitas, pero el resultado fue chévere y hasta logré engañar a una amiga (probablemente fueron los efectos del jet lag en ella los que jugaron con su mente recién regresada de Londres). Y bueno, aunque el peinado es so 2007/08, o passé, o lo que sea, I don't mind :)

Alice, o más bien Oliv, como aparece en su myspace, en una pasarela

Yo en morado, aunque aquí el peinado no es tan notorio como esperaba

El look completo; obviando mi cara emo, el peinado se ve más chévere que en la otra foto :)

Aparte de todo este "nonsense" escrito acá, espero que hayan tenido unas Navidades Glamourosas. Yo me autorregalé unos zarcillos gigantes de Adriana Dos Ramos (investiguen en Facebook) y pronto me compraré la entrada para ver a Franz Ferdinand en marzo. Can't wait! :)


martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

2do aniversario...

Bueno... hoy cumples dos años, Glamouroso Mundo de Liselotte. Este año no te traté muy bien, I know. Debí escribir más, pero no tenía nada muy interesante que decir. En realidad sí, pero no pensaba hacer públicos esos asuntos. Tú sabes, por la privacidad de la gente y esas porquerías.
Wow... hace dos años era la época de los tacones morados de año nuevo, los wayfarer blancos, el comienzo de mi amor por Justice y su remix de We are your friends, o Never be alone again, nunca supe realmente el nombre de esa canción. Ibamos con Juan a Plaza las Américas a burlarnos de los intensos en la parte vieja del centro comercial, o al Sambil a burlarnos de los tukkys. Fun times.
Ahora esta es la época de gente como The xx, Florence + The Machine, Jens Lekman, Lykke Li, hasta Phenomden y su reggae suizo-alemán de Zürich. Si, esta es la musica que me empieza a gustar ahora, es raro como en dos años cambian los gustos. Bueno, todavía amo a Justice obviamente. También es la época del DIY, manifestado principalmente en los zarcillos de masa flexible que hace mi hermana, del reportame constantemente en twitter para que alguna gente se entere de lo que hago y que probablemente ni les interese. Cosas así.
Probablemente en aquella época, en 2007, era una tontita de 18 años sin mucho que hacer. Ahora pareciera que no tengo tiempo de nada y a veces odio a todo el mundo. No se, tengo muy pegada como una especie de motto una frase de The Streets de su canción Empty Cans:

"Can you rely on anyone in this world? No, you can't, it's not my fault there's wall to wall empty cans"
Siento que eso resume mi odio ocasional a la gente.
Sin más que agregar, me despido.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009


OKEY. Realmente he olvidado actualizar esto, y tampoco he tenido muchas ganas.
Volví de Europa el 27 de agosto. Estuvo super fino, no quería regresar al caos que hay por estos lados. No tengo muchas ganas de poner las fotos, además pareciera que nadie lee mi blog; solo veo que llega gente de todo el mundo a la entrada que hice sobre Carlota Casiraghi en 2007.

So, no se, escribiré algo probablemente cuando sienta que valga la pena y mi estado de ánimo me lo permita (oh si, tuve muchísimos cambios de humor repentinos durante el viaje y todavía tienen sus efectos hoy; I don't like feeling this way).


sábado, 4 de julio de 2009

Es julio

...lo que significa que Liselotte esta en Europa por 2 meses :D
De momento ando en Francia, en el pueblo donde viven mis tios y manana a Lyon. So very awesome. En lo que vuelva a CCS pondre algunas fotos.

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009


Ok ok, tengo esto super abandonado. Pero es culpa de la universidad, estas últimas dos semanas han sido super estresantes... Al menos termino oficialmente las clases manana :)
Después de eso veré si en serio voy a Europa, porque realmente necesito irme un tiempo de estos lados del Atlántico. Cadivi tiene que darme esos euros, si no, muero. O sea, ya faltan como 12 días y no han dicho nada sobre la solicitud.
Mientras tanto, me dedicaré a terminar los últimos trabajos y a estudiar para los últimos exámenes antes de las "vacaciones". So, adior!

Random photo of the day:

Mi good friendo Jesus y yo saliendo del Teatro de mi colegio, antes de ir a ver a Nuuro, Telegrama y Viniloversus en CorpBanca :D


jueves, 21 de mayo de 2009

Estas dos últimas semanas...

He estado de un humor terrible. No se qué me pasa pero estoy super irritable, tengo algo de ansiedad y ganas de matar a todo el mundo. Creo que soy bipolar.
Para colmo en mi última entrada me llegaron dos comentarios de odio, los cuales borré por razones obvias, no voy a tolerar ese comportamiento en mi blog. Aunque si pudiera me compraría un pasaje al Reino Unido para moler a golpes a la persona que los publicó. Así de terrible es mi mal humor.

En otra nota, ahora tengo un Blackberry y me sumo a la cuerda de inoriginales venezolanos que somos todos :)
Es muy posible que me vaya a Europa en junio a hacer un curso de francés en Toulouse, y de ahí me iría unos días a Suiza con unos amigos que van a Ginebra, y de vuelta a Francia. Pero todavía falta como un mes y todo depende de mis notas, así que no es tan seguro :(

Hmm what else... creo que mi mal humor se debe en parte a que siento una presión grandísima con mi carrera, pues quedan como 3 semanas de clase y estamos uber atrasados con examenes, trabajos, etc.

Caracas es una ciudad estresante. Quiero vacaciones.
Later, alligator.

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2009


I was really busy in April.
Today I'm soooo friggin' tired and pissed off at someone, or some people, if you prefer; I'm not specifying... but I will post these pics at last anyway.

Diane von Fürsternberg



Rainbow Room

Waldorf Astoria

Jennifer Aniston is in this film.

Going to Gramercy Park Hotel

Duane Reade

Marc FUCKING Jacobs



My mess.

My hotel had weird expositions. I don't get this one either.

viernes, 3 de abril de 2009


I am in New York City, yeyness. It's not as cold as last year at least, but we still have to wear some jackets to be warm and stuff.
Today it rained really bad, I literally got soaked and it was awful. So yeah, that's all for now. Expect loads of pictures when I come back :)

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2009

March is ending.

And I haven't posted a decent entry in a while. So yeah, now that we're here, I shall do :)

Two weeks after seeing Viniloversus, I went to an IndieKaraoke. It was rather fun actually, I sang "I wanna hold your hand" with a friend from my choir, but I kinda sounded terrible cos I had been screaming instead of speaking before I got on the stage cos the music was too loud. Boohoo.
What really annoyed me was the massive amount of indie/scene kids, all looking the same with their skinny jeans and Palestinian scarves. I should have expected to see them there, of course, the name of the Karaoke thing makes it pretty obvious. Even though the place, Sake Disco Bar, was really small and, uh, UGLY, the music was pretty cool. I mean, you rarely get to dance to Vampire Weekend or Phoenix at any disco/club in Caracas. Well, El Teatro plays that kind of music too, but it's bigger and prettier. And that was my fun weekend two weeks ago.

More recently, this past week to be precise, after taking my sister and her loud friends/Blackberry people (they're so dependant I've dared to call them that way) to some mall cos they had nothing better to do, I decided to drive around. I was close to El Hatillo, so I drove through those small roads in the mountain. I got distracted with all them pretty houses and buildings, so I barely realised where the road was taking me.


Yes, there's one in El Hatillo, but I didn't know it was too close from where I was. Not only that, I also took the wrong road and was driving in the opposite sense of the way, which meant I was nearly crashed by two cars going up (I was going down the road while driving). Going backwards was REALLY difficult and in the process I also nearly crashed some car parked there. Some old man helped me by telling me how to go backwards without doing any harm. I think I owe him my life. So yeah, I managed to return to the same way I had come from and arrived all safe to that point between El Hatillo and La Boyera. That's the kind of thing that only happens to people like Liselotte. But it was kinda hilarious at the end of the day :)

That's all folks.

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

Viniloversus @ El Teatro

So yes, the title pretty much explains itself. I saw these guys live on the 28th of february at this relatively new cool bar called El Teatro (The Theatre). We arrived sort of early, so we had the chance to stand right in front of the stage and never moved from there. The guys played at 1 AM and for about 45 minutes, which included songs like Cocaína, Las Historias son Mortales, Nada Número Dos, Retroceso, amongst some other new ones. The place was packed; there were some TV/radio personalities in the gig too so you can tell the band is quite liked by a lot of people and succesful :D
Some people I spotted were David Rondón, Ramón Castro (I dislike this guy, he ignored us at some school rock festival back in 2005), and some guy from my uni who happens to be friends with the lead singer.

I also saw these Whatstheirfaces and that midget who's always with them. They looked sort of drunk already, and are VERY ugly in person. Besides, they were wearing cocktail dresses and high heels in a place where mostly everyone wears jeans and flats. In my opinion they just wanted everybody to see them and be like "Ooh who are these well dressed chicks, I wish I were so stylish myself!". But nobody seemed to care. As Alan from Two and a Half Men would say, "Ha!".

We got to meet the band too, they were uber nice! And we got loads of pictures with them :D

We stole the setlist! :D

Me and my friend Janma

Bassist # 2 Adrián smiled for our picture

Singer Rodrigo playing and bassist # 1 Juan Víctor in the background

Us and bassist # 2 Adrián :)

Me and singer Rodrigo. I can't stand my massive smile! I was so excited hehe

Us and the drummer Mangan, he's uber funny :)

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

I am...

...Seeing Viniloversus live tomorrow!!

I are excited :D

martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

I was tagged in a game Pt. II

Isaac tagged me in one these blog/facebook games in which you have to tell 35 facts about yourself. (I already did the 25 facts game on Facabook, so I'm just gonna add 10 more to this one :D)
1. I've been to about 18 countries.
2. I have been keeping travel diaries since I was 13.
3. I'm scared of turning 20.
4. I love my car, I dunno how I could survive without it.
5. I have dyed my hair fucsia, blue, purple and red.
6. I realised recently that I have a thing for expensive food (foie gras mainly lol).
7. I wish I were thinner.
8. I'd like to be taller, but I am apparently above the average height of women in Venezuela.
9. I once went to Switzerland just for lunch.
10. I've never had a boyfriend in my entire life.
11. My favourite food is pizza, or pasta, or basically anything Italian.
12. I have entered an Olympic Village.
13. I'm dying to get a Blackberry.
14. I can easily get drunk with 3 shots of tequila.
15. I sometimes believe I was born in the wrong country.
16. I have two tragus piercings (they were very painful).
17. I sing in the choir of former students from my school.
18. I would like to work for an international organisation, such as UNESCO or something.
19. I love going shopping.
20. My favourite music genres are electronica and rock.
21. I randomly start speaking English with any possible accent (I know I'm weird).
22. I have a lizard shaped scar in my left ankle, caused from a bad reaction of a henna tattoo I got in Dominican Republic.
23. I love glitter and shiny things.
24. I was born with blue eyes and blondish hair, they later turned green and brown respectively.
25. I can move my ears. My friends at school were really amused by this fact.
26. I have stalking tendencies. You shall probably beg for you not to be my target EVER.
27. I'm kinda obsessed with Erich Wildpret. If you've read any of my past posts you would know.
28. I quite like Polish hip hop. I have learned the lyrics from many songs but I still don't know what the heck I'm saying.
29. I must appear at least once on icanteachyouhowtodoit. Otherwise part of my life would be pointless.
30. Marriage is for losers.
31. I had my tonsils removed when I was 3 years old and I remember EVERY detail from that horrible day.
32. I suffer from Hypoacusia. That means I could become deaf when I'm old. Damn genes :(
33. I used to play the viola at school. I was too cool for violins.
34. Mafalda is my hero(ine).
35. Since this past Friday I have taken about 40 pills, half of them were painkillers. I had never been so doped in my entire life. Nor had I slept that much.
I'm not tagging anyone here cos everyone did this on Facebook already hehe.

martes, 20 de enero de 2009


I am completely obsessed with this song. Besides, I almost got to see them live with Nuuro, but there was a sudden change of plans that forced me to miss them :(
Check it out:

Viniloversus - Las historias son mortales.

domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

I was tagged in a game

Yes, like the title says I was tagged by Rita in some of these blog games hehe. Here's what I have to do:

1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same!

Well that one was taken at Christopher's birthday, coincidentially it was also Halloween 2008; he's the guy in the toga hehe. And there's also Naty dressed in red and Astrid dressed like a Chinese girl. I was taking the picture and therefore I obviously don't appear; I was wearing a 1920's/Charleston outfit, pearls and headband included. It was the best (H)

And now I'm tagging 4 people:

  1. Valeria
  2. Nienke
  3. Silvana
  4. Juan

viernes, 9 de enero de 2009

First post of the year! :)

And as I promised, it's got New Year's Eve pics with my uber great dress :)

I was trying to jump, but I failed...

Andrea, myself and the sister

Us again, doing silly poses

The Fluv and I. I love my shutters :)

And now with the twins.

Me and the manwhore that is Marco

Everyone from the building

Silly posing. You may realise my friends are copycats and they also bought cocktail dresses. Grr.

With Oswaldo. We look like we've just arrived from the beach. I love my nerdy glasses :)