And as I promised, it's got New Year's Eve pics with my uber great dress :)

I was trying to jump, but I failed...

Andrea, myself and the sister
Us again, doing silly poses
The Fluv and I. I love my shutters :)

And now with the twins.
Me and the manwhore that is Marco

Everyone from the building
Silly posing. You may realise my friends are copycats and they also bought cocktail dresses. Grr.

With Oswaldo. We look like we've just arrived from the beach. I love my nerdy glasses :)
3 comentarios:
Qué paveo en el plaza alameda...! pórtense bien pequeños!
Me encanto tu vestido !!
y no stalkearon a EC el 31?
Shame on you Lis*
Esta total tu vestido...
Y me mato, (pero asi mal) la chica de la camisa oversized con el cinturon negro y los botines! MUUUY total!
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