martes, 10 de febrero de 2009

I was tagged in a game Pt. II

Isaac tagged me in one these blog/facebook games in which you have to tell 35 facts about yourself. (I already did the 25 facts game on Facabook, so I'm just gonna add 10 more to this one :D)
1. I've been to about 18 countries.
2. I have been keeping travel diaries since I was 13.
3. I'm scared of turning 20.
4. I love my car, I dunno how I could survive without it.
5. I have dyed my hair fucsia, blue, purple and red.
6. I realised recently that I have a thing for expensive food (foie gras mainly lol).
7. I wish I were thinner.
8. I'd like to be taller, but I am apparently above the average height of women in Venezuela.
9. I once went to Switzerland just for lunch.
10. I've never had a boyfriend in my entire life.
11. My favourite food is pizza, or pasta, or basically anything Italian.
12. I have entered an Olympic Village.
13. I'm dying to get a Blackberry.
14. I can easily get drunk with 3 shots of tequila.
15. I sometimes believe I was born in the wrong country.
16. I have two tragus piercings (they were very painful).
17. I sing in the choir of former students from my school.
18. I would like to work for an international organisation, such as UNESCO or something.
19. I love going shopping.
20. My favourite music genres are electronica and rock.
21. I randomly start speaking English with any possible accent (I know I'm weird).
22. I have a lizard shaped scar in my left ankle, caused from a bad reaction of a henna tattoo I got in Dominican Republic.
23. I love glitter and shiny things.
24. I was born with blue eyes and blondish hair, they later turned green and brown respectively.
25. I can move my ears. My friends at school were really amused by this fact.
26. I have stalking tendencies. You shall probably beg for you not to be my target EVER.
27. I'm kinda obsessed with Erich Wildpret. If you've read any of my past posts you would know.
28. I quite like Polish hip hop. I have learned the lyrics from many songs but I still don't know what the heck I'm saying.
29. I must appear at least once on icanteachyouhowtodoit. Otherwise part of my life would be pointless.
30. Marriage is for losers.
31. I had my tonsils removed when I was 3 years old and I remember EVERY detail from that horrible day.
32. I suffer from Hypoacusia. That means I could become deaf when I'm old. Damn genes :(
33. I used to play the viola at school. I was too cool for violins.
34. Mafalda is my hero(ine).
35. Since this past Friday I have taken about 40 pills, half of them were painkillers. I had never been so doped in my entire life. Nor had I slept that much.
I'm not tagging anyone here cos everyone did this on Facebook already hehe.

2 comentarios:

Rita dijo...

Yo tampoco me quiero casar nuncaaaa! Jajajaja. Y he escuchado hip hop polaco, jajaja, me da risa, pero es divertido. Mafalda es lo máximo, la amo... y a Quino, por supuesto.

Claire dijo...

horray for getting tagged! C:

thank you so much for the comments...i know asos it so addictive as is polyvore. but they do depress you!

have a fab weekend. lovely blog!