domingo, 11 de enero de 2009

I was tagged in a game

Yes, like the title says I was tagged by Rita in some of these blog games hehe. Here's what I have to do:

1. Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures.
2. Pick the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same!

Well that one was taken at Christopher's birthday, coincidentially it was also Halloween 2008; he's the guy in the toga hehe. And there's also Naty dressed in red and Astrid dressed like a Chinese girl. I was taking the picture and therefore I obviously don't appear; I was wearing a 1920's/Charleston outfit, pearls and headband included. It was the best (H)

And now I'm tagging 4 people:

  1. Valeria
  2. Nienke
  3. Silvana
  4. Juan

2 comentarios:

Rita dijo...

Qué divertido es disfrazarse! Jajajaja. Quiero ver tu disfraz de flapper!

Anónimo dijo...

aaa I want to do this too.. but I know too little people to tag xD
meh. fail :P